
The place where patient begins,love begin to be felt,ways to understand your partner,and all the problem start to be resolved.

Selamat datang ke LoVE MaTter blog.Blog ini merupakan satu blog yang akan menceritakan anda ttg what love is,who love is n something like that.Tujuan saya menulis blog nie kerana saya ingin berkongsi sedikit sebanyak pengalaman teman2,pemerhatian,kajian n mungkin dapat memberi sedikit kefahaman n membantu sesetengah orang yg mempunyai masalah percintaan,fall in love x pun seseorg yg looking for love.Di dalam blog ini terdapat sedikit sebanyak info bkaitan sepertimana yg telah saya jelaskan diatas.Di harap para pembaca dpt membacanye dgn enjoy n mungkin dpt memberikan maklum balas sekiranya ada kesilapan n idea2 yg lain..hehehe....HAK CIPTA SENDIRI

Monday, 16 May 2011

sweet speech love...

you need to watch this video,i think this is the sweet love video and it's amazing.
I have watch this video times.
I think it really should be shared with you all...
i hope you enjoy it..

the great thing and the amazing thing about love is
not how much you love the person,
not the reason you love the person,
but the way you love the person.

Then look at this video..
how great the way he love..



  1. ahaha..ingt ape.iklan lappy//sdey laa.cite tuh

  2. urm..mmg sedih..sian dua2 kn...

  3. x lah.sian laki tulah.huhuh..tpi nk buat cmne.pompuan tu dh mmg prangai die cm tuh

  4. ala..pompuan tu ok je sbnrnye..just dia xmemahami laki tu mmg sian lah laki tu...('',)

  5. yerla.pompuan tu mcm mnje2 sket :)

  6. mmg btl nk wat mcm ne kn..
